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Customer loyalty


Customer Loyalty 2023

Customer Loyalty

Nested Applications

Sustainable technologies

Making our customers’ products and processes as economical, efficient, and sustainable as possible is one of our most important goals and a key aspect of our commitment to customer loyalty. In 2023 we succeeded in increasing our customers’ competitiveness and thus their economic success in a variety of ways. 

Messer is continuously expanding its range of customer-oriented digital tools. These simplify routines, facilitate work processes, and provide targeted information. Examples of this are the e-services that Messer offers its customers. They range from ordering/reordering, stock management and invoicing to product or application-specific information and applications that can be used to handle feedback and technical questions. In addition, digital technologies are used to optimize customer care.

Accordion Intro Customer Loyalty

Satisfaction of our customers

The satisfaction of our customers is a fundamental indicator of our success. That is why Messer continuously monitors the level of satisfaction and asks about individual needs. We use the results to derive improvements to our products, processes, and services. In this way, we strengthen the performance of our customers - and thus also their satisfaction and loyalty. 

Customer satisfaction surveys

We measure the satisfaction of our customers through systematic surveys and integrate the results into our management processes. 

Customer satisfaction surveys were conducted in Asia and Europe in 2023. In Asia customer satisfaction was surveyed in one operating company in Vietnam and across fourteen operating companies in China, including those with a focus on specialty gases. In Europe it was conducted in five countries and included a customer satisfaction survey for gas centers. The survey was translated into local language as well to make it more user-friendly. Overall, 1,312 questionnaires were successfully submitted. The measurement of customer satisfaction (Customer SATisfaction = CSAT) accounted for 30 percent of the total, while the remaining 70 percent was distributed across 21 services provided by Messer in the following areas: sales support, logistics, technical service, back office, and SHEQ management. Complaint management was handled separately. In addition, the Net Promoter Score (NPS), which was introduced in 2020, has gradually been used by all operating companies. This makes it possible to compare loyalty and satisfaction measurements with those of peers or other companies. Suggestions from customers were actively sought to identify reasons for dissatisfaction in a particular area, gather specific requests for improvement and obtain additional information on how Messer can better support them. In 2023 the combined CSAT and NPS scores in Asia and Europe saw improvements, with the overall CSAT reaching 94.2 percent and NPS achieving 70.4 percent. 

Continuous improvement is at the heart of what we do. In 2023 we implemented measures to further improve how we collect feedback from customers. The Messer companies in China and Vietnam that conducted surveys began to follow the Group’s guidelines and use the standardized survey. They will continue to do so in the future. In Europe Messer implemented a new tool for customer satisfaction surveys. The user-friendly interface and comprehensive features will help to streamline the process while improving customer experience.

In the Americas, customer satisfaction surveys are conducted every two years, most recently in 2022. The next survey is scheduled to take place starting in September 2024.

UN Goals Customer loyalty 2023

  • UN Goal 1 - No poverty
  • UN Goal 2 - Zero hunger
  • UN Goal 3 - Good health and well-being
  • UN Goal 4 - Quality education
  • UN Goal 5 - Gender equality
  • UN Goal 6 - Clean water and sanitation
  • UN Goal 7 - Affordable and clean energy
  • UN Goal 8 - Decent work and economic growth
  • UN Goal - Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • UN Goal 10 - Reduced inequalities
  • UN Goal - Sustainable cities and communities
  • UN Goal - Responsible consumption and production
  • UN Goal - Climate action
  • UN Goal - Life below water
  • UN Goal - Life on land
  • UN Goal 16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • UN Goal 17 - Partnerships for the goals

Products and applications for decarbonization

In order to drive forward the decarbonization of industry and mobility, Messer attaches great importance to the recovery, use, and storage of CO₂, applications with clean hydrogen and efficient high-temperature processes. 

While carbon dioxide is essential for life and industry, excessive CO₂ emissions caused by human activity are considered to be the main cause of climate change. This is why Messer founded ZeCarb. ZeCarb stands for “Zero Carbon”. ZeCarb’s services help to counteract climate change: industries that are difficult to decarbonize are supported in capturing, storing and/or recycling carbon dioxide by means of “Carbon Capture as a Service” (CCaaS; CO₂ recovery as a service). ZeCarb utilizes Messer’s decades of experience in CO₂ recovery and has a global partner network to capture various CO₂ sources and capacities worldwide. 

Hydrogen is considered a key factor in the decarbonization of industry and mobility. Messer is focusing on selected segments in order to be able to respond more specifically to the associated requirements. These are the “H₂ One-Stop Shop”, a holistic service for the operation of bus fleets, the “H₂ Refueling Solution”, which bundles experience, expertise and safety in hydrogen supply and refueling, and the “H₂ On Site Concept”, which includes cost-optimized solutions for the on-site production of clean hydrogen including the optimal use/marketing of all by-products. Safety is crucial for the use of hydrogen on a large scale. As an industrial gas specialist Messer has many years of experience with hydrogen - from quality assurance to filling technology and logistics, right through to application.

Many different types of furnaces are used in heating, melting, refining, cleaning, and calcining processes. They are used for the production of non-ferrous and ferrous metals, glass, ceramics, mineral materials and many other purposes. In these furnaces it often makes sense to inject oxygen or other gases or to use oxyfuel combustion, which increases process efficiency and thus reduces CO₂ emissions. Messer offers tailor-made oxyfuel burner technology with a low Nox content and high output for this purpose. With two device families for injection and combustion processes and systems, a wide range of applications can be covered. The strengths of the Oxipyr and Oxijet technologies are high capacity, low downtime, low emissions, and flexible adaptation to various existing processes.

Accordion examples products and applications for decarbonization

Products and applications for industrial production

Products and applications for welding and cutting

Products and applications for food

Interaction with our customers

Our information offerings and the opportunities for collaboration with our customers are diverse. Communication and information offerings, as well as increased trade fair appearances following the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, play a major role in this. 

Accordion examples of interactions with our customers